M I S S I O N   S T A T E M E N T

The Irish People’s Association [IPA] has only one function; that is to make Ireland prosperous for everyone. It recognizes the latent talent and individuality of each one of us who live on this island and the inherent desire to have our ideas and aspirations heard.

The IPA does not offer solutions itself as an organization. It provides a structure and framework to facilitate its members to have their own ideas heard in a secure and creative environment. To nurture the abundant creative talents of those who live on the island of éire for the betterment of all through the promotion and development of Community Prosperity Groups.

This is intended to empower people all over Ireland to work and cooperate together and make constructive and positive changes on a local, regional and national level to improve their lives, their communities, their regions and improve Ireland for everybody. Help build a better and more prosperous Ireland for all.

See how the IPA is structured
Download the full Introduction – pdf, 577k
Map of our activities nationwide – pdf, 309k

Say hello to the new IPA logo